Birdfeeder Abandoned With Full Feed in Itwhat Happend to the Birds

If you find a bird nest near your door, an abandoned bird nest with eggs, or if you see a baby bird on the ground, here's what you should do.

Birds gather twigs, leaves and any nesting material they can get their beaks on to create a cozy home for their families this time of year. With an increasing loss of natural habitat, it's only a matter of time until a budding brood moves into your backyard. Here's what you should do if you find an abandoned bird nest with eggs or a baby bird in your backyard.

barn swallow nest Courtesy Judy Mayhew
Barn swallow nest on a front porch

There's a Bird Nest Near my Door

Where a bird chooses to build a nest is not always convenient for its human hosts. But remember, it isn't every day thatyou're given a front-row seat to one of the most exciting cycles of nature. If possible, be hospitable and find another way to enter your home. Your feathered visitors stay only for a handful of weeks. Alert anyone who might frequent the door, and keep pets away from the nesting area. Follow these tips for a successful nesting season.

If there's no alternative way to enter, contact your local wildlife agency to ask for assistance. Moving a nest on your own may technically violate the law. Although some birds, like house sparrows and starlings, aren't protected by these laws, most bird species are covered.

Learn about 8 different kinds of bird nests and how to spot them.

bird eggs in nest Courtesy Laura Newton
Robin eggs in nest

I Found an Abandoned Bird Nest With Eggs

It's unlikely the adults have abandoned the bird nest with eggs. Many birds don't start incubating until the last egg is laid, which is why you might not see the parents for some time. Or maybe you've lingered too long and they're waiting for you to scram. Even spooked birds most likely will return within a day or two. Do birds reuse their nests?

On the off chance that the pair does not return, it probably means the eggs are not viable. Give yourself plenty of time to come to this conclusion, however, and don't discard any nest or its contents without first reaching out to your local wildlife agency. Most birds and their nests are protected by the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, which states that it is illegal to take, possess, import, export, transport, sell, purchase or barter any part of a nest or eggs unless you hold a valid permit.

Learn how to attract nesting birds to birdhouses.

Nestling robin in a nest COURTESY DIANE BASETTE
Nestling robin

A Baby Bird Fell Out of the Nest

If the little one you've found has feathers, it's best not to interfere. That bird, called a fledgling, most likely left the confines of the nest on purpose. While it can't fly yet, a fledging spends a couple of days wandering around, hiding in shrubs or low branches. Rest assured its mom and dad are waiting in the wings nearby. In fact, you may even hear their scolding calls if you get too close to their little one.

However, if you find a hatchling, which is a very young bird with no feathers, it probably fell out by accident. In this case, gently place the youngster back in the nest. If the nest is not accessible, set the nestling in a small container filled with shredded paper towel. Fasten it firmly to the tree trunk or place it in a nearby shrub in hopes its parent will care for it. It's a common myth that adults abandon baby birds upon human contact. But be sure to wash your hands after to avoid spreading disease.

Want to do more? Become a certified NestWatch monitor; visit active nests every three to four days and report your findings to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Get started at

Next, check out 9 proven tips to attract nesting birds.


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